Catechesis and faith learning does not end at confirmation or upon high school graduation. There are always new topics of faith and truths pertinent to our own life worth exploring to advance us on the path to sainthood. We here at St. Thomas More want to be a part of that journey in formation.
The process for becoming Catholic is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), which is the Catholic Church's formation process for adults who:
• Have never been baptized.
• Catholics who were baptized but have not celebrated all of their Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation).
• Those baptized in another Christian faith tradition who may be interested in becoming a Catholic.
Click this link to explore more information: Becoming Catholic (RCIA)
Connect with our Director of Faith Formation, Anthony Bueche if you have questions about the Catholic faith, your own formation, or our parish programs.