The work of bringing people closer to Christ is not just for the pastor or formation directors alone. We are all called as the Body of Christ to take part in making saints among us as we strive for sanctification ourselves. This is why we are providing Formation Societies to take up particular missions of the parish. These are the current societies with open registration and their respective ministries - sign up to volunteer for any of these opportunities at the bottom of this page:
Why a well? The well is the centerpiece of Christ's encounter with the woman who searched for the waters of eternal life. She came to the well with the burdens of her urn, her own past. She found in Jesus the waters which forever quench thirst, the waters we know as Baptism. She also came to see that it is in marriage that the life of faith blossoms both for the spouses and for those children that come forth from it.
Why Emmaus? The Road to Emmaus began with the disciples, sad in their belief that Christ was dead for good; not knowing that He was with them all along teaching them and guiding them on to Emmaus. As they learned and were filled with greater hope, they were ready to be at table with him and behold the breaking of the bread, the Mass, which opened their eyes to his True Presence. Their hope is now restored. They are initiated into the good news as those who partake in RCIA are to be.
Why a sling? David was looked down upon because of his age well before he was crowned king of Israel. Goliath the Philistine threatened God's people, but it was with courage and trust in God that David was able to do what seemed impossible, slay the giant. With only a sling in hand, David was able to bring about Goliath's fall as everyone around him questioned his age. His faith in the Lord gave him victory regardless of his own age and potential, the same potential for greatness that each of our high schoolers has now in the faith.